How To Live Bet the Spread

Point spread betting is a popular form of wagering in sports betting, particularly in football and basketball. Unlike moneyline bets, where you simply pick the winner, point spread betting aims to level the playing field by assigning a margin of victory that the favored team must win by to cover the spread. This type of betting makes mismatched games more interesting and gives bettors more nuanced options.

How Point Spread Betting Works

In point spread betting, bookmakers set a point spread, which represents the expected margin of victory. Here's a typical example:

  • Team A: -6.5

  • Team B: +6.5

In this scenario:

  • Team A is the favorite and must win by more than 6.5 points for bets on them to win

  • Team B is the underdog and must either win outright or lose by less than 6.5 points for bets on them to win


If Team A wins 28-21: Team A covers the spread because they won by more than 6.5 points

If Team A wins 27-21: Team A does not cover the spread because they won by only 6 points

Advantages of Point Spread Betting

1. Balanced Betting: Point spreads create a balanced betting field, making it appealing to bet on either the favorite or the underdog.

2. Increased Options: Bettors have more strategies to consider, such as backing the underdog to cover the spread.

3. Better Payouts: Compared to moneyline bets, point spread bets often offer more favorable odds.

Live Betting Tips for Point Spread Betting

Live betting, also known as in-play betting, allows you to place wagers during the game. Here are some tips to enhance your live point spread betting experience:

1. Monitor Game Flow: Watch the game closely to understand the momentum. If a favorite team starts slow but has the potential to recover, the live spread might offer value.

2. Take Advantage of Early Lines: Early in the game, bookmakers might adjust spreads quickly based on the first few minutes of play. Be prepared to act fast if you see an advantageous line.

3. Consider Injuries and Weather: Live betting allows you to react to in-game injuries or changing weather conditions, which can significantly impact the spread.

4. Focus on Key Moments: Key moments, such as turnovers or scoring plays, can cause dramatic shifts in live spreads. Use these moments to your advantage.

Profiting Responsibly with Point Spread Betting

1. Bankroll Management: Set a budget for your betting activities and stick to it. Never bet more than you can afford to lose.

2. Research: Do thorough research on teams, player performance, and other relevant factors before placing your bets.

3. Shop for the Best Lines: Different sportsbooks might offer slightly different spreads. Shopping around can give you the best odds and increase your potential profit. OddsJam offers a great platform that allows bettors to do this all in one place (use code inplaylive15).

4. Avoid Emotional Betting: Don’t let emotions dictate your betting decisions. Stay objective and make informed choices based on analysis.

5. Use Betting Tools: Leverage tools and apps that provide real-time odds, line movements, and other valuable data to inform your betting strategy.

6. Limit Live Bets: While live betting can be exciting, it’s also important to remember to make responsible wagers. Set limits for your live bets to avoid chasing losses or making impulsive decisions.

Final Thoughts

Point spread betting is a dynamic and strategic way to engage with sports betting. It offers balanced betting opportunities and can be particularly exciting with the addition of live betting options. By understanding how point spreads work and applying disciplined betting practices, you can enhance your chances of making profitable and responsible bets. Always remember to research, manage your bankroll wisely, and stay objective to enjoy a successful betting experience. Happy betting!


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